The Republican Assembly is national. It is the largest all-volunteer Republican organization in the United States.
We The People are men and women who know who we are and what we stand for. We live our values. We proudly proclaim them.
♦ Inalienable Rights ♦ Judeo-Christian Values ♦ Sanctity of Life ♦ Self-Government ♦ Right To Bear Arms ♦ Educating Our Children ♦ Free Enterprise ♦ Appropriate Taxes ♦ Victims’ Rights ♦ National Sovereignty ♦ National Defense ♦ Decentralized GovernmentWe are Constitutionalists. We want to conserve the Judeo-Christian values that created this great nation. We strive to preserve our self-governing infrastructure for future generations. In the 18th Century a Biblically-based morality inspired people of different religions, sects, and philosophies to create a governing structure and consent to being governed by those Biblical values.
Republican Party registration is not enough. We must cherish, uphold, and fight, if necessary, for the values of our constitutional republic, a self-governing nation of men and women adhering to the moral precepts of "The Bible As Law" in these 50 United States of America.