VCRA is chartered by the state organization. Our county clubs organize along the five (5) supervisorial districts.
See links below for additional district information.
County Government is The Best-Kept Secret
Click here to see who your elected officials are and which supervisorial district you live in. You can also click on the links below for more information about each district and the VCRA club that serves your area. Further down the page is a brief overview of county government. (Remember, we are a self-governing country. If we are not involved in making decisions, we will live by someone else's rules.)
Current Supervisor: Matt LaVere (Democrat) | Reelection 2024
Phone: (805) 654-2703 | Email: Matt.LaVere@ventura.org
Supervisor District information click here.
VCRA Club information click here.

Current Supervisor: Jeff Gorell (Republican) |Reelection 2026
Phone: (805) 214-2510 | Email: supervisorgorell@ventura.org
Supervisor District information click here.
VCRA club information click here.

Current Supervisor: Kelly Long (Republican) | Reelection 2024
Phone: (805) 654-2276 | Email:kelly.long@ventura.org
Supervisor District information click here.
VCRA club information click here.
Current Supervisor: Janice S. Parvin (Republican) | Reelection 2026
Phone: (805) 955-2300 | Email: Supervisor.Parvin@ventura.org
Supervisor District information click here.
VCRA club information click here.
Current Supervisor: Vianey Lopez (Democrat-Appointed, not elected*)
Phone: (805) 654-2613 | Email: Vianey.Lopez@ventura.org
Supervisor District information click here.
VCRA club information click here.
*Vianey Lopez was appointed by Governor Gavin Newsom in September 2022 to replace elected Board of Supervisor Carmen Ramirez who died in an accident.
The Hidden Hand of Local Governing Decisions
County government is the legacy of Colonial America. It existed before the states united in 1776. All elected county officials must have their budgets approved by the Board of Supervisors. "Follow the money." The Board of Supervisors has tremendous influence on all decisions made throughout the county because they control the purse strings.
There are 58 counties in California. Each county is divided into districts. District voters elect one member each to the county Board of Supervisors.
County government existed before we were the United States of America. It is the "hidden hand" of government because focused activists work to organize and elect the largest, local political "muscle" possible. Few voters realize the impact these decisions have. Most voters, regardless of party, are preoccupied with the headline celebrity races for President, Governor, Federal and State Congresses, and other statewide races.
County governments control the money that flows into city coffers from the state and federal governments. When you "follow the money" you find the power!
Local races, county, city, school, water, etc. are "down ballot", races because they appear further down on your ballot. Swamps in Sacramento and Washington, D.C. are fed by the headwaters which collect in county government offices and whose source is our local city, school, water, and other district governments.
BONUS: Want to learn more?
Click here for more general information on California County Governments.